Your cell phone, your computer, your ipad, your credit cards, your id’s and even your car keys are vulnerable to hacking attacks.
Cell phones, computers, ipads, credit cards, id’s are vulnerable every time you take them into public places: airports, shopping malls, sports events, anywhere there are crowds of people to hide the hackers.
Even your cars keys: you can buy a cheap, small, chinese gadget that accepts the signal put out continuously by your electronic car keys and amplifies that signal. that allows a thief to stands outside your house/office, receive the signal from your keys, amplify that signal, which your vehicle will accept and the thief can open your car, start it and drive away.
Faraday bags from strategic security solutions sas prevent any signal in the bandwidths used by these hackers from entering or leaving your device.
Your cell phone, your computer, your ipad, your credit cards, your id and now your car are safe.