Strategic Security System | Portuguese Parliament Adopts DISKLABS Faraday Bags
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Portuguese Parliament Adopts DISKLABS Faraday Bags

Portuguese Parliament Adopts DISKLABS Faraday Bags

The Portuguese Parliament has bought Faraday Bags for all of its Members to protect their cell/mobile phones and laptops.

It is becoming an increasing security risk for all executives, and the organisations they lead, to allow Hackers access to their data. Faraday Bags from this website can avoid that problems.

The bags protect electronic car keys, phones, tablets, laptops and more from punitive electronic hacking – the bags totally prevent electronic signals going in or out of the bags by having a metalised lining inside a lightweight parachute-material outer cover or a fine, custom made British leather cover.

All products are made in the United Kingdom, and can be purchased through this website

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