Strategic Security System | About Our Company
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About Our Company

Strategic Security Solutions SAS is a Latin American based company that provides advanced technology equipment and technological solutions to the growing problems of security in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Company provides problem assessment, solution analysis and recommendations to government intelligence agencies, police forces, armed forces, major infrastructure companies and high-risk private well as to the general public in areas of personal equipment security.
The Company also provides personal electronic security equipment against the growing threat of hacking individual’s personal property.
Past projects have included the supply of cellular intercept and tracking equipment to police and armed forces, wireless video systems for police and armed forces helicopters, patrol boats and pilot boats, drone and drone killing equipment and covert audio equipment.
More recently, the Company has added two more products: Faraday Bags, which provide electronic security for forensic and personal use, and street-legal three-wheel scooters for security patrols in both public and private sectors.
This website allows you to buy Faraday Bags on line and other products which will be added to the portfolio.
The website provides a link to a sub-website featuring the other Company products that are too technical to sell on line. Contact Strategic Security Solutions SAS directly if these other products are of interest.
The Company welcomes your comments and questions.
Ian Court
Bogota, Colombia